the march prompt was to write a paragraph of description for five different animals. i only got through four here, but it was a fun exercise.
amongst the dusty gray-pink of galahs, and the stark white of the cockatoos, two lorikeets draped in sharp discordant colours fight over a shred of apple. they're a set of two, twins indescernable to those who do not know them. they are known, however, and narrowed down by the wrap of green further up one's neck, and the lighter shades of orange-yellow on the other. to someone with sharp wit, or perhaps someone with just a little too much time on their hands, they are dichotomised by their personality and affect -- one is shy, but never afraid to bite the hand that feeds; the other brash and loud, but much quicker to warm to a stranger, and reluctant to leave a boon behind.
watching a stranger curl in a quiet corner, you might be hard pressed to make a call on if their face is haunted, or just lonely. perhaps the alertness is just from the cold, but the furs clinging to their shape indicate it unlikely. for however docile this dog may seem, they are always ready for a hunt. bloodhounds can smell as well as sharks, and you would not be surprised if there is blood spilt tonight.
as suprising as it may seem, the cat is even more unsubtle. every move is carefully telegraphed, every word chosen for clarity. the cream-tinged white is just a touch overindulgent to those who pass them by, but that's calculated too. it is easy to spot a feather tucked amongst fur, red tinted or otherwise. the cat has gone soft and bold upon obtaining the cream, but they've not yet forgotten how to pick meat from their teeth.
the final player on the board. the mouse; small but clever, and will learn anything for a treat. or, in certain studies, to help their peers. a sophisticate, but not of the slick and greasy kind. disease spread from domesticated rodents is a chance slim to nil. here, our mouse intends to stop the spread from other creatures into his well cleaned home.